Building governance systems for localisation – 2023 NENA LOCALISATION WEEK

Date: Friday, June 23, 2023
Time: 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm (AEST, Brisbane time)
Location: Online (via Zoom)
Localisation23 | webinars 2023

Join us for an important discussion about how we can create governance systems to support the localisation of our societies and economies.

Mary Graham will provide an introduction to the Relationist Ethos, and the remarkable governance system of the First Nations Peoples of the continent now known as Australia, which has been described as a collaborative, bioregional, ecological stewardship system. We'll then explore what ancient relational approaches can teach us about building local and bioregional governance models for our future.

** This event is part of NENA's Localisation Week, which celebrates World Localisation Day 2023 **



Dr Mary Graham is an Adjunct Associate Professor in Political Science at the University of Queensland. She grew up in South-East Queensland, and is a Kombu-merri person through her father’s heritage and a Wakka Wakka clan through her mother’s heritage. With a career spanning more than 30 years, Mary has worked across several government agencies, community organisations and universities. Mary has been a dedicated lecturer with the University of Queensland, teaching Aboriginal history, politics and comparative philosophy. Mary has written and published many prominent works, including – publications in the Aboriginal Encyclopaedia, training modules for Cross Cultural Awareness and a host of academic papers. Mary is a Director of Future Dreaming Australia, an Indigenous and non-indigenous partnership organisation working to increase cross-cultural ecological knowledge in Australia (


Dr Michelle Maloney (BA/LLB(Hons) ANU, PhD Griffith) is an Earth lawyer and governance enthusiast, and is working on a range of projects advocating for stronger local and bioregional governance. Michelle is the co-founder of the New Economy Network Australia (NENA) and the Australian Earth Laws Alliance (AELA)- Michelle is a Director of Future Dreaming Australia an Indigenous and non-indigenous partnership organisation working to increase cross-cultural ecological knowledge in Australia (

Mary and Michelle are currently writing a book together called: "Future Law: What Australian Society could look like if it were built on the Relationist Ethos"


World Localization Day is an annual celebration of the worldwide localization movement. It's more than just a day: it’s an invitation to see the world in a new way. To gain an awareness of place by participating in small-scale, local economic exchanges. To create change locally as part of a global movement for healthier communities and economies.

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