Author: James Lee

Volume 2, Issue 1

Welcome to the New Economy Journal’s first edition of 2020!

Launched in April 2019, we are the only Australian publication (and one of few world-wide) whose focus is the movement to build a new economy – an economy based on sustainability and social justice, rather than greed and destruction; an economy built on ecological health and industrial democracy, rather than cancerous growth and top-down power structures.

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Volume 1, Issue 8

Welcome to issue 8, our last issue for 2019! It’s been a great year and we hope you enjoy this last iteration. Wonderful, diverse articles as always. We hope, of course, that you disagree with some, take hope from others, and learn from all about how to build a new, just, sustainable economy. Until next year! Read More …

Volume 1, Issue 7

Welcome to Issue 7 of the New Economy Journal, our second last issue for 2019! This month’s instalment of the NEJ features a diverse series of pieces, from Jane R. Goodall’s careful deconstruction of UBI versus the Job Guarantee debate, to Thomas Whiteside’s profile of Read More …

Volume 1, Issue 6

Welcome from the Editors Welcome to the first ever print edition of the New Economy Journal! Launched in April, we are the only Australian publication (and one of few world-wide) whose focus is the movement to build a new economy – an economy based on Read More …

Volume 1, Issue 5

This month’s NEJ is focused on young people – the creators and inheritors of the New Economy. We reached out to youth activists, peak bodies, new economy practitioners and writers to hear about their vision for the future, and are proud to present a collection of Read More …

Volume 1, Issue 4

This month we’re joined by guest editor Dr. Michelle Maloney, for a special focus on ecological economics (EE). EE directly challenges the growth-paradigm of neo-classical economics, and although, as a field of research and inquiry, it has fragmented into a range of different approaches and Read More …

Volume 1, Issue 3

Welcome to Issue 3 of the New Economy Journal, our biggest yet! Within it, you will find election post-mortems, poetry, impassioned calls for climate activism and thoughtful discourse on population growth, employee ownership and the possibility of a zero marginal cost economy. As always, we Read More …