Capitalism is idealism, perfected

For many of us, the market is an actual gathering of human buyers and sellers, chatting, tasting and sharing produce, which is often fresh and artisanal. At market benches and shop counters, people display and take in a community meal. Mainstream economists turned that market Read More …

A Short Story About Lentil as Anything

Imagine going out to dinner with your friends in Melbourne’s St Kilda, or Sydney’s Newtown. Imagine enjoying a delicious three course meal, served to you by friendly and dedicated wait-staff. Now imagine asking that same wait-staff for the bill and being told that there is Read More …

Food Sovereignty: A quick note on why Venezuela is in crisis

Peter Kropotkin – the Russian Prince, famed scientist and anarchist thinker – wrote, in the 1890s, that a revolution will fail if it doesn’t secure its food supply: “Bread, it is bread that the Revolution needs!” Unless this happens, “the people began to grow weary. ‘So much for your vaunted Revolution! You are more wretched than ever before,’ whispered the reactionary in the ears of the worker. And little by little the rich took courage, emerged from their hiding-places, and flaunted their luxury in the face of the starving multitude. They dressed up like scented fops and said to the workers: ‘Come, enough of this foolery! What have you gained by rebellion?’” Read More …

Event Report: A Farm Day Out!

Why do we have sex?

Well, one reason is that it creates genetic diversity, which means, as a population, we are much less likely to be wiped out by some disease. Though asexual reproduction is much more efficient, the benefits of genetic diversity are so big that sex dominates as a strategy amongst animals, plants, insects etc.

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