Why a UBI is Needed

A previous version of this article was published on Medium. Once, it was our birthright to live off the land. Since the invention of property rights, money, and the system of paid work; ‘living off the land’ is no longer possible for most people in Read More …

Preparing Young People for the Changing World of Work

How is this New Economy? For The Young Person’s Issue, NEJ reached out to youth peak bodies Interns Australia and The Foundation for Young Australians to get their visions for the new economy. The following contribution from The Foundation for Young Australians (FYA) addresses the Read More …

Unpaid Internships: Opportunity or Exploitation?

How is this New Economy? For The Young Person’s Issue, NEJ reached out to youth peak bodies Interns Australia and Foundation for Young Australians to get their visions for the new economy. The following contribution from Interns Australia addresses the issue of unpaid internships. Unpaid Read More …

The gig economy – winners and losers

Workers in the ‘gig economy’ might be delivering your pizza, programming the app that allows the transaction, or own the platform and 15% of each transaction. Like the internet itself, the gig economy is proof that equality of opportunity has no relationship to equity or equality of outcome.

It is easier than ever to own one’s own business – Jeff Bezos does, he owns Amazon. Valued at $156 billion he’s the world’s richest. The median salary of an Amazon employee is $AUS 39000. The bike riders that deliver food get paid as little as $6.70 per hour. In many ways the gig economy represents uber-casualisation and income polarisation of the workforce.

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