Local Solutions to Australia’s Housing Crisis – 2023 NENA LOCALISATION WEEK

Date: Thursday, June 22, 2023
Time: 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm (AEST, Brisbane time)
Location: Online (via Zoom)
Localisation23 | webinars 2023

Australia's housing crisis is growing worse. Not a day goes by without harrowing stories of people unable to afford somewhere to live,

rising rent prices, rising numbers of homeless people and those having to live in their cars - all the time while real estate prices escalate and the rich keep getting richer. How can we respond to Australia's housing crisis? If Australian governments continue to refuse to address the supply and demand issues of housing in Australia, it will need even more creativity and effective responses from civil society. Join us for an important discussion about how local strategies are addressing our housing and accommodation crises. 



Elena is an architect turned sustainability educator, bike infrastructure advocate and cohousing aficionado. She has worked in corporate practice, and in general residential, from private dwellings through to high-density residential. Her passion is for citizen-led participatory processes that lead to regenerative outcomes stewarded through collaborative governance. Elena is passionate about facilitating urban interventions that build collective capacity so people and their communities can be prepared and responsive to the climate emergency and other social, economic and environmental hurdles.


Matt is a research fellow at the Sustainable Building Research Centre, University of Wollongong. His interdisciplinary research considers the role of buildings, and particularly homes, in providing environments and spaces that support the wellbeing, comfort and sustainability of the occupants. He has a strong interest in collaborative housing as it brings together interests in grassroots-led sustainability action, the built environment and household consumption. Matt has been a board member of Cohousing Australia since 2018, and convenes the Cohousing Australia Researcher Network.
UOW profile: https://scholars.uow.edu.au/display/matthew_daly


Dr Steven Liaros is a polymath and futurist with expertise and qualifications in civil engineering, town planning, environmental law and political economy. He is an honorary associate at The University of Sydney and director of strategic town planning consultancy, PolisPlan. Steven is co-creating a new category of land development to enable a collaborative, affordable and sustainable mode of living in a connected network of Circular Economy Villages.


World Localization Day is an annual celebration of the worldwide localization movement. It's more than just a day: it’s an invitation to see the world in a new way. To gain an awareness of place by participating in small-scale, local economic exchanges. To create change locally as part of a global movement for healthier communities and economies.
Visit our website for all the amazing events, all around the world: www.worldlocalizationday.org/about